UTHC 65km serving as Auto Qualifier for 2019 Canadian National Trail Team
The ACU is excited to announce that the UTHC 65km will be serving as an auto qualifier for potential Canadian National Team members for the 2019 World Championships in Portugal.
UTHC has a great history and track record of hosting a top tier event and we're excited to have them serve as an auto qualifier. The first male under the 5h40m barrier and first female under the 6h30m barrier will gain an auto spot onto the 2019 Canadian National Team.
The event is currently filled, however, those wishing to take a stab at hitting the above noted goals for the Canadian Team may still enter the event up to August 20th. Please note the following (i) you still will need to pay the events entry fee and (ii) please direct your questions and inquiries to entering the event to Ryne Melcher -
Happy trails,